OPENCV 프로그램이 초기화되지 못하였습니다. 라는 에러메시지로 실행이 안될때 빌드만 되고.


If you are using the pre-compiled binary, you need to install MSVCRT
(visual c++ run time) 8.0 available from the following link

OpenCV 1.1pre is built on Visual Studio 2005 and therefore depends on
MSVCRT 8.0. This is such a fall back since OpenCV 1.0 doesn't require
that run time at all. I am the maintainer of the Emgu CV project
(which is .NET OpenCV wrapper) and a user post the same question on
our discussion forum. It took me quite a while to find out the cause.

I think it would be nice if the OpenCV developers can static link the
VCRT on windows binary, otherwise they should at least state the
requirements on the release note. 

.. 겨우 찾았네.. -_-; 다운받은후에 실행하자

//////////////////// 헐 다음에 깔때 생긴 문제인데.. 저 위에것이 설치가 안되는 경우가 있다 다음과 같은 경우는

Dear Mr. Diamond,

Thanks for your clarification.

I can reproduce this issue on Chinese version of Windows XP. Based on my reserches, the cause of that is the path of the temp folder for such user account has asian characters. The workaound I found is that we can use a batch file and set our own temp path. For example

  @echo off
  echo Installing the Microsoft Visaul C++ redistributable
  echo Please wait...
  vcredist_x86.exe /T:"C:\Mytemp"
  echo Done!

Rong-Chun Zhang
MSDN Subscriber Support in Forum
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact msdnmg[at]

이 메시지가 답이 될듯! :D